
Dendrolimus punctatus Learn more about Dendrolimus punctatus

  • Is Dendrolimus punctatus a beneficial insect or a pest? What does it eat? What if I get stung by a pine caterpillar?

    Is Dendrolimus punctatus a beneficial insect or a pest? What does it eat? What if I get stung by a pine caterpillar?

    When it comes to pine caterpillars, everyone's impression should be that the whole body is covered with poisonous hairs. The sight of its dense poisonous hairs makes people feel creepy and frightening. So is the pine caterpillar a beneficial insect or a pest? What does it eat?

    2020-11-11 Lepidoptera insects Dendrolimus punctatus yes beneficial insects or pests
  • The harmfulness of Dendrolimus punctatus and its control

    The harmfulness of Dendrolimus punctatus and its control

    It mainly harms the leaves, and when serious, the leaves of the whole tree are eaten up. 1) cut off the egg branches and kill them centrally, 2) spray 800 times of Bacillus thuringiensis wettable powder during the larval incubation period.

  • Management and Control of Garden Plant Diseases and insect pests in North China

    Management and Control of Garden Plant Diseases and insect pests in North China

    As urban garden plants need to comprehensively consider the ornamental needs, the introduction of garden plants between areas will increase the risk of diseases and insect pests, coupled with the imperfect framework of the relevant working system, it is difficult to implement the quarantine work, thus missing the best practice of prevention and control.

  • Early High-yield cultivation techniques of planting Pear trees

    Early High-yield cultivation techniques of planting Pear trees

    The main results are as follows: 1. From April 5 to 10, one-year-old seedlings with a diameter of more than 1.0cm and a height of more than 1.5m at the 2cm on the interface were selected. Before planting, the roots and overgrown roots were cut and soaked in clean water for one night, and the seedlings were dipped in mud the next day. The planting pit is long, wide and deep

    2020-11-08 Species pear trees early high yield cultivation techniques big holes deep planting
  • What are the control measures of tea caterpillar? What's the pattern of occurrence?

    What are the control measures of tea caterpillar? What's the pattern of occurrence?

    Tea caterpillar is an important pest in Chinese tea area. it is an insect of the genus Lepidoptera of the family Lepidoptera, also known as tea yellow moth, swinging head worm and so on. Tea caterpillars are distributed in all tea-producing provinces in China, mainly to harm tea, but also to Camellia oleifera, citrus and so on.

    2020-11-11 Tea caterpillars control measures what occurrence regularity
  • Management of apricot after fruit picking

    Management of apricot after fruit picking

    Apricot fruit ripens early, and there is a long period of time from harvest to dormancy. This period is an important stage for apricot tree to recover tree vigor and accumulate nutrients. Scientific management during this period can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, promote the reasonable growth of trees,

    2020-11-08 seed apricot tree fruit picking later management apricot fruit ripening earlier from
  • How to manage apricot trees after harvest?

    How to manage apricot trees after harvest?

    How to manage apricot trees after harvest? Please give a detailed description of the apricot fruit ripening earlier, there is still a long period of time from harvest to dormancy. This period is an important stage for apricot trees to restore their potential and accumulate nutrients. During this period, scientific management can reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and promote the reasonable health of trees.

  • Culture methods of Pinus massoniana

    Culture methods of Pinus massoniana

    Culture methods of Pinus massoniana

  • Matters needing attention in the culture of Camellia sinensis

    Matters needing attention in the culture of Camellia sinensis

    The watering cycle is usually once a week to keep the soil moist, and the growing period of Platanus orientalis has a large demand for nutrients, so we should apply fertilizer in time to provide nutrients to promote its flowering and growth. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-28 degrees, so it is easy to cultivate.

  • Three types of Biopesticide

    Three types of Biopesticide

    Three types of Biopesticide

  • Timely control of loquat yellow caterpillar

    Timely control of loquat yellow caterpillar

    Loquat yellow caterpillar adults are commonly known as "inverted butterflies". The larvae eat buds and tender leaves, and when rampant, they also endanger old leaves, tender stem barks, flowers and fruits, and only upper epidermis and veins remain in the injured leaves. The first instar larvae of the insect are clustered. The second year old began to disperse the harm, and the food intake increased greatly after the third year old. This insect is the most common and serious kind of loquat.

  • Symptoms and control of insect pests in Myrica rubra

    Symptoms and control of insect pests in Myrica rubra

    May and June are the mature harvest season of red bayberry. Timely harvesting of red bayberry and timely storage and preservation is an important link to improve economic benefits. The following introduces the harvesting and storage technology of red bayberry: determine the appropriate harvest time of red bayberry. The maturity period of red bayberry varies according to origin and variety. The earliest maturity is in April.

  • Multiple orders of petals-- wheat and plum

    Multiple orders of petals-- wheat and plum

    Wheat plum: Rosaceae cherry, deciduous shrubs, up to 2 meters high. Leaves ovate-long elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, 5-8 cm long, apex acute and often obtuse, base broadly cuneate, margin with fine obtuse teeth, both surfaces glabrous or abaxially sparsely pilose in middle ribs.

  • Temperature and humidity of pear storage

    Temperature and humidity of pear storage

    The optimum storage temperature of gold and Fengshui pear is 0 ℃ ±1 ℃. The storage temperature should be kept stable during storage, and the temperature change range should not exceed ±1 ℃. Gold and Fengshui pears should be stored at 90%-95% relative humidity, and the relative humidity should be kept at 95% when stored for more than 4 months. Appendix A Mel 1 Annual calendar of pear diseases and insect pests Control measures in mid-February, red spiders, heart-eating insects, pear bud-eating moths, yellow whitefly, scab, grass paramecium scale were pruned every year or every other year, and the trunk, main branches and backbone branches were scraped, rotten skin and debris were scraped.

  • Don't relax the postharvest management of cherries

    Don't relax the postharvest management of cherries

    First, pay attention to summer shears. While removing the film, it is necessary to retract the crown in time and carry out heavy strength pruning. 1. Retract the crown. This method can reduce the overall height of each cherry crown by 50 cm to 80 cm, preventing the tree from growing higher and higher, affecting the indoor ventilation and light transmission conditions. two。 Pruning and thinning the main branches. It needs to be cut again.

  • Main damage modes of flower pests

    Main damage modes of flower pests

    Main damage modes of flower pests

  • Control methods of tea caterpillar

    Control methods of tea caterpillar

    Control methods of tea caterpillar

  • Control techniques of Monochamus alternatus

    Control techniques of Monochamus alternatus

    Control techniques of Monochamus alternatus

  • Fenvalerate method

    Fenvalerate method

    At night, spray fenvalerate evenly in the ditch, then bury the cage on the bank, and the next morning you can catch the crayfish that crawl into the cage and pass out. Although this method can catch shrimp, it is very toxic to crayfish and will be direct.

    2020-11-11 Cyanoamyl permethrin prawn method at night sometimes cyanoamyl
  • Management of apricot trees in autumn

    Management of apricot trees in autumn

    Autumn is the nutrient storage period of apricot. The key of apricot management in autumn is to maintain the assimilation function of leaves, prevent early defoliation, improve the cold resistance of apricot, promote root growth and accelerate flower bud differentiation. 1. Soil, fertilizer and water management. Applying base fertilizer in autumn. Moving forward and backward in the Autumn Equinox

    2020-11-08 Autumn apricot management autumn yes nutrition